Thursday, 8 September 2016


Do now: A rabbit is active at down and dusk. It's normal activity is recorded in a lab for 6 days then recorded in constant darkness for another 10 days. There is still a pattern to the rabbit behaviour but it start 20 minutes later each day.

Describe or re-write what is happening using each of these words at least once.

1. Zeitgeber
2. entrained
3. biological clock
4. endogenous
5. exogenous
6. circadian
7. circatidal
8. phase shift
9. period of
10. nocturnal
11. diurnal
12. crepuscular
13. biorhythm

The biorhythm shown by the rabbit is crepuscular because it active at down and dust. It's normal crepuscular rhythm was recorded for 6 days with the ...... present, which was...... the rhythm  when the rabbits activity was recorded in darkness the .... was removed and the activity pattern became.....which means biorhythm is ...                  

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Practice Question
A recent New Zealand study compared the size, shape and pigmentation of hundreds of leaves of Pseudowintera axillaris (horopito, also known as the New Zealand pepper tree) and small Alseuosmia macrophylla (toropapa) plants, and found a match. Over a third of the leaves of the two species cannot be statistically distinguished from one another.  Toropapa were possibly eaten by moa before the arrival of humans quickly decimated the moa population.  Unless the plants are flowering or fruiting, the only fast way to tell them apart is to taste a leaf.  Horopito leaves a pungent, hot peppery taste and a numb tongue when the leaf is chewed, while toropapa is highly palatable.
Small toropapa (left) and horopito seedling (right)
Name and describe the relationship between Pseudowintera axillaris and Alseuosmia macrophylla.  
Discuss the adaptive advantages and disadvantages of the relationship to the two species of New Zealand flora, including any survival strategies they employ.
Planning my answer:
  • Their relationship (batesian)
  • Definition of Batesian
  • What about these 2 that make it (batesian)
  • Advantages (natural selection)
  • Survival strategies (chemical protection) e.g so the herbivorous will avoid the plant.
The two species is Pseudowintera axillaris known as horopito, and Alseuosmia macrophylla known as toropapa. The relationship between them is batesian.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Hi All!

HI ALL!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I have not been updating my blog lately no reason why, however today we have a double period and we have a debate about 'Euthanasia.' Our debate was based on the positive and negative of Euthanasia and we were in two teams. I was in the positive team who were forward and agree with the idea of Euthanasia.
And this is the document to our arguments!
Thank you

Euthanasia is the...... painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma.

Our main points:
  • It’s their decision.
  • Peaceful death compared to a painful life/It’s good because it can put people to eternal rest, because they will be in a lot of pain.

  • Dying is not a crime
  • Everyone have the right to decide how they should die

  • To stop the risk of prosecution as it is considered law-breaking if someone witnesses someone committing suicide. This way those who choose to take euthanasia can do it with the company of loved ones without breaking any laws.
  • God is love and Christianity is about love and compassion and my point is that keeping someone in pain and suffering is not loving but pure evil. Euthanasia can be the most and loving action and the best way to put someone you love in a painless most peaceful way.
  • Most people would have their pets put down to if they were suffering, this would regards kindness. Why can’t the same kindness be given to humans?
  • If the patient is old and suffering is watching them spend their last hours in pain really satisfying. As a child of the elderly do we want our parent to be suffering to death, or do you want them to say their goodbyes and then get put to sleep without pain, this way we would understand that our parent went to rest with peace.
  • To allow sufferers to depart this life while still possessing their mental faculties. Those who are unwell don’t want people looking after them including wiping bottom, bathing, hand feeding.

Their main points:
  • The money spent on paying for euthanasia could be used to pay Hospice services etc.
  • Against the belief of Christians
  • It would make caring for disabled, mentally ill and elderly people optional, instead of the default.”  
  • Alternative treatments are available, such as palliative and hospice, we do not have to kill the patients with down syndrome, nearly all pain can be relieved.
  • “assisted dying” – making it legal for people to deliberately help others commit suicide – is not the solution.
  • The assumption that patients should have the a right to die would impose on doctors a duty to kill

What they could say back to our main points and how we would shut them down:
  • It’s a duty for doctors to look after patients until they take their final breath.
  • Doctors should never give up
  • Use these patients for research to find the cure to different diseases in order to prevent the same scene to occur with someone else.

What we could say to shut down their main points:

  • Take in account the oath of Doctors to not harm their patients. THe hippocratic oath to swear they would do no harm. Letting them spend in their final hours in pain is too much of a harm. We can use this method to put them to rest in peace therefore we see no harm, as life for them in that stage
  • Caring for the elderly, disabled, or the mentally ill puts a strain on people financially, emotionally and physically.  Having people put to rest via Euthanasia would be good seeing as it would be quick and easy and spare people the money they would have to pay, and the trauma they could go through if they had to care for the elderly/mentally ill/disabled.  
  • A lot of money is being spent for medication to reduce amount of pain therefore having euthanasia will end the pain as well as reducing the amount of money being spent to help care for the sick people.
  • Take into account not everyone is religious therefore saying it is against belief of christians won’t apply to everyone. It’s their decision whether they go to heaven or not. It comes down to their own decision if they have strong religious beliefs they will not have euthanasia.
  • Allowing family/patients/friends to suffer in pain day to day is also not the solution and can also be looked at as allowing someone to die slowly.
  • There are examples of euthanasia in the bible in 2 Samuel 1: 9-10 “Then he begged me, Come over here and put me out of my misery, for I am in terrible pain and want to die .” So I killed him.”

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Exam Practise

Home range is an area that an animal goes on a daily basis and live on normally, and the animal does not need to defend it against predator.

Daily range compared to home range - The daily range tend to be smaller  this is because it only their daily range.
Rainfall impact on home range size. Rainfall affected the home range sizes either by decreasing the resources for olive baboons. Because the 400-600 yearly rainfall (mm) the home range approximate increases by 43.8 size (km). This is because their habitat is so dry, not enough resources. This causes the Olive Baboons to spread out in order to hunt for resources or food. However at a habitat where rainfall is common for example around 2000, the resources will get enough water from the rain. This means the home range will be small, because they get enough resources that they don’t need to spread out. To search for food.

Rainfall impact on daily range size. Looking at the data table daily range(km) is more spread out at places where there is not much rain. For example from the data table Yearly range of 400-600 will have 5.64 daily range while yearly rainfall 2000 daily range 0.3-2.0 km. This is because more rainfall means better resources, with places that receives more rain means their daily range will be small as they don't have to get far in search of food. Whilst with limited rainfall the daily range will be bigger because the Olive Baboon will have to get far in order to get enough resources.

Habitat impact on home range.
Habitat impact on daily range.
How rainfall impacted on the different habitats.
Why you think these different sizes occur.

Not finish

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Learning About Migration!

                                           Learning About Migration!

Yesterday we were learning about migration and homing, however it was pretty interesting learning because we went old school learning. This was because our power went off and we couldn't connect to our internet. 
However, it was such an interesting learning periods because we get to make posters and was able to try n example outside class which is sort of like an activity. 

Migration- It is a journey that is often over long distance  after once a year or once in a lifetime often for reproduction or feeding. 
Homing-A short trip home after searching for food and mates.

When migrating birds use visual cues for example like landmarks or motor ways. For homing digger wasp they used cones where home was, however studies shows that it not where the cones were it the shape that the wasp was using as navigating it way to find home. 

As for some birds they use stars as their compass to navigate their way of migrating. In one experiment scientist put birds in a conservatory/star dome, and changed the sky and looked at which way were hoping or wanting to migrate. And they found as they moved the stars it changed it way of migrating.

Some animals e.g pigeons and salmon have been shown using the earth Magnetic field to navigate them to their destination. Experiment with magnets on pigment beats shows that some birds uses magnets because when they put magnetic everywhere it shows that the birds were just flying anywhere and was confused.

And lastly the Sun Compass, as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, a lower path at winter and higher path in summer. A good example for this is the Bee dance(waggle dance) this allows the bees to communicate with the other bees. By using the angle between the direction of the straight run and the ray opposite gravity is the same as the angle between the food source and the position of the sun.

Advantage of Migration: They will be able to get more resources and meet mates to reproduce more of the species. They might get better environment in terms of predators and disease, or some migrate order to the damage of climate change. Even though birds migrating are not always successful however if they stay at the same place it would becomes a competition for nesting sites for an example. This will also attracts predators to the high concentrations of breeding birds and easy meals of nesting. 
However one principal for birds migrating is the search for food and mating.
Another fact birds put on weight before migrating because they need energy so they can basically carry on their journey. 

Thank you for reading!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 6 April 2016


Auxin and Gravitropism in shoots and roots!


This is just an update on what I have learn about auxin and gravitropism in roots and shoots. Gravitropism helps the plant grow in the right direction for example in plants the leaves don't just stand up without the help of auxin and gravitropism. And this is known as a negative gravitropism.
So what is the role of auxin and in Gravitropism Response, experiments on shoot tips provide evidence that gravitropism is due to the different growth rates of upper and lower sides of the stem or root in response to auxin. While the roots grows down because roots elongation is inhibited by high levels of auxin on the lower surface.
Why gravitropism is important? From what I learned from our independent learning lesson, Gravitropism allowed the stem system to grow towards the surface while the root system extends further into the soil. It important for plant to adapt in this way to avoid the plant growing in the wrong direction, for example so the stem would not grow downwards. Or another good example in the roots without gravitropism the roots wouldn't be able to dig into the soil where they get nutrients. Both actions are imporatant and needed for the survival of the plant.

Thank you for reading

Monday, 4 April 2016

Auxin Presentation

      'Auxin Presentation'

I know I haven't been updating my blog because I have been busy with assessments also I started working.

First of all I want to update you guys on what we've been learning class lately, first we are learning about Auxin. Auxin is a hormone produced in plant stem tip and produce the cells to elongate. Also in plant auxin move to the side of the plant where there is no light, causing the cells to grow larger than the cells on the side where the light(sunlight) is.

As for our activity, we were in group girls and boys and we have to do an auxin presentation and get to play with dough. And I will put the link below for our 'Auxin Presentation'
Thank you for reading!
Have a great day!!!!!

'Auxin Presentation' 

Monday, 21 March 2016

Silly Sentence

                                    Silly Sentence 

We have two period today first activity we play kahoot it, kahoot it it a fun learning site we use in Biology. In our kahoot it we just revise on what we learn last week Taxes and Kinesis. It was helpful and beneficial for me because last week was so busy with Polyfest and I was missing a lot of my school work. However with that quick recap it help regain what the different between Taxes and Kinesis is. 
Also with today's learning we have a quest with us, my teacher's laptop because she is filming us with almost everything we are doing in class.  
Before posting this I just finished the work my teacher gave us and that is to make up a silly question with these sentence about the 5 characteristic of Innate Behaviour.
And here are those 5 sentences.

  • It can be passed to offspring (inherited from their parents).

  • Even if offspring were raised away from their parents, they would still be able to do the behaviour because it is ‘intrinsic.’

  • Every single member of the species will perform the behaviour in exactly the same way.

  • Practicing the behaviour will not develop it at all or make it better or changed at all.

  • The very first attempt at doing the behaviour will be 100% correct, as it is fully developed on the first try. No coaching or teaching is required, they can just do it.
And this is my silly question with no explanation!!!!
Thank you!

Offspring being raised away, with same behaviour, and without practise it 100% correct.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Reflection on my first assessment 'Homoeostasis'

How it went? First assessment was pretty inflexible especially when you want to have a good grade. I thought it would be pretty easy because it will be similar to one of the assessment we did last year 'Gas exchange.' However my assessment on 'Gas exchange'  I find it quiet hard compared to my Homoeostasis assessment. This is because I have no idea what to write for my Gas exchange assessment, and with Homoeostasis you kinda know what to write because it similar to your Gas exchange assessment. The hardest was finding reliable website also putting words into your understanding. The easiest was copying and paste all the information.

2 tips to be successful- Listen to your teacher in class take note and ask question and be prepared to be work hard, always remember don't stop when your tired stop when your done!
Thank you 

Sunday, 21 February 2016

  'Reliever For A Teacher'

For this last period we our teacher is a reliever, meaning this a chill period or you can still do some work. But let be honest, everyone are just chatting about Poly and other interesting topics that I do not know of. I also don't know what we are supposed to do this period because our reliever don't know anything about the topic we are doing which is Diabetes. However from what I can remember last Thursday our task was to look at some photos from Yr 13 2015 when they went to Tongariro crossing. We have to know the changes in the weather and the impact in our internal body environment. Example in humans, the temperature regulations centre is in the hypothalamus. Thermoregulation relies on the negative feedback mechanisms and involves several body systems.  I know I haven't been updating my blog, that doesn't mean I forgot to update, just been busy lately. Anyway have a great day!
Thank you

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Another Lesson

     'Another Recap Of What We Learn Last Week'

Last period of the day, Bio is always the best class to end a BORING day with. This period we are getting our NCEA Level 3 Biology Internals Book, exciting right! Anyway for this period we are learning or going through what we learn last week which is 'Diabetes.' However, the topic for today is 'Control Of Blood Glucose.' Pretty interesting as our key idea is: The endocrine portion of the pancreas produces two hormones, insulin and glucagon, which maintain blood glucose at a steady state through negative feedback.
Nothing much but it was a really proactive period for most of us I guess.

Thank you

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

'Pretending To be A Doctor For A Period Is Super Cool'

               'Fake Hospital Admission Chart'

Name: Mary Vitale
PAN# 139782
Date: 14 Jan 2016

Waitomo Service Hospital

Patient Presenting with:

Patient is a 52 year old Samoan female, height 170cm, weight 125kg.

Presenting with breathlessness and fatigue, weight loss (down from 146kg), excessive thirst and increased urination.

Referred from Doctor due to 3 vaginal yeast (thrush) infections in the last 2 months.  

Diagnosis:  Type 2
Type 2 Diabetes This patient is showing type 2 diabetes symptoms due to her having trouble with her breath and having fatigue, excessive thirst and increased urination. Main important is her 3 vaginal yeast(thrush in the past last 2 months. These are signs she have type 2 diabetes.
Falling risk:
Non-slip socks
Nurse assistance
Treatment advised:
Due to her weight, her diet need to change this means she need to have more of vegetables and drink more water due to her fatigue. Therefore she needs to take tablets to reduce blood glucose levels.

Failure to comply with treatment advised will result in:

If the patient don’t follow the requires she will have a high risk of fainting and losing some part of her body as the blood is thick with sugar and gluggy after a high sugar, high GI meal, which causes blood flow to be restricted or struggle to pass quickly through smaller veins and capillaries. If she don’t follow her diet her weight will be uncontrollable and this will affect her everyday life activities.

Assistance with eating:

Signed: _Lana Poila

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

                   'What We Learn In BIO Period 6 Today' 

Our lesson for today in class was to learn the terms we need for our first assessment. Our cool teacher Ms Wells gave us options in how we want to learn our terms, this depend on how you learn best. This is a great idea as everyone have their own way of learning, for me I like to write the words on cube cards and the definition on the other side. Also I remember faster or longer if I have coloured cube cards or put colours in each term. Today I decided to first write all the terms we need on cube cards and their definition on the other side. However I didn't finish my work in class and that will be homework.

Thank you

Monday, 8 February 2016

Warning: This is not 100% right as we are only writing what we know about Diabetes.

                      'What I know about Diabetes'
Kia Orana
I am Lana Poila, a year 13 student at Tamaki College, and today Ms Wells plan's for us is to write 'what we know about Diabetes.' Because I did not do this in year 11 so I do not have a lot of knowledge about diabetes. However I know someone who have diabetes meaning I only know the process of what they do, to take care of the disease(not sure if you can call diabetes a disease). Example what they to eat. Anyway if I'm lacking some knowledge feel free to comment as I want to know more about this topic 'DIABETES'

What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is when someone have way to much glucose(blood) in their blood.
Where does it start? Everyone need to eat right, so when you eat your body turns food into glucose(sugars) in this case this is when your pancreas supposedly releases this hormone called 'insulin. Insulin's role is to regulates the amount of glucose in your cells, this is really important because with the lack of insulin in your body formed diabetes.

Okay don't judge me with how I explain these two type of diabetes because I am only writing what we have learn in class today.

Type 1 Diabetes:  Type 1 diabetes is what your born with meaning it can't be prevented however will be manageable through a combination of medication, healthy food choices and exercise. This is because the body attack or mistakenly sees the insulin producing cells as foreign, and destroy them. Without insulin there is no key to open up the cells this means the cells will get hungry or lack of glucose(sugars)

Type 2 Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes people can produce their own insulin, often the body does not produce enough insulin because insulin is like the key to open the cells, without insulin there's no key for the cells. Meaning the end result will be high levels of glucose(sugars) in your blood.
Important: Type 2 focuses on your diets often type 2 target people who are overweight or inactive.

Thank you