Sunday, 21 February 2016

  'Reliever For A Teacher'

For this last period we our teacher is a reliever, meaning this a chill period or you can still do some work. But let be honest, everyone are just chatting about Poly and other interesting topics that I do not know of. I also don't know what we are supposed to do this period because our reliever don't know anything about the topic we are doing which is Diabetes. However from what I can remember last Thursday our task was to look at some photos from Yr 13 2015 when they went to Tongariro crossing. We have to know the changes in the weather and the impact in our internal body environment. Example in humans, the temperature regulations centre is in the hypothalamus. Thermoregulation relies on the negative feedback mechanisms and involves several body systems.  I know I haven't been updating my blog, that doesn't mean I forgot to update, just been busy lately. Anyway have a great day!
Thank you

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Another Lesson

     'Another Recap Of What We Learn Last Week'

Last period of the day, Bio is always the best class to end a BORING day with. This period we are getting our NCEA Level 3 Biology Internals Book, exciting right! Anyway for this period we are learning or going through what we learn last week which is 'Diabetes.' However, the topic for today is 'Control Of Blood Glucose.' Pretty interesting as our key idea is: The endocrine portion of the pancreas produces two hormones, insulin and glucagon, which maintain blood glucose at a steady state through negative feedback.
Nothing much but it was a really proactive period for most of us I guess.

Thank you

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

'Pretending To be A Doctor For A Period Is Super Cool'

               'Fake Hospital Admission Chart'

Name: Mary Vitale
PAN# 139782
Date: 14 Jan 2016

Waitomo Service Hospital

Patient Presenting with:

Patient is a 52 year old Samoan female, height 170cm, weight 125kg.

Presenting with breathlessness and fatigue, weight loss (down from 146kg), excessive thirst and increased urination.

Referred from Doctor due to 3 vaginal yeast (thrush) infections in the last 2 months.  

Diagnosis:  Type 2
Type 2 Diabetes This patient is showing type 2 diabetes symptoms due to her having trouble with her breath and having fatigue, excessive thirst and increased urination. Main important is her 3 vaginal yeast(thrush in the past last 2 months. These are signs she have type 2 diabetes.
Falling risk:
Non-slip socks
Nurse assistance
Treatment advised:
Due to her weight, her diet need to change this means she need to have more of vegetables and drink more water due to her fatigue. Therefore she needs to take tablets to reduce blood glucose levels.

Failure to comply with treatment advised will result in:

If the patient don’t follow the requires she will have a high risk of fainting and losing some part of her body as the blood is thick with sugar and gluggy after a high sugar, high GI meal, which causes blood flow to be restricted or struggle to pass quickly through smaller veins and capillaries. If she don’t follow her diet her weight will be uncontrollable and this will affect her everyday life activities.

Assistance with eating:

Signed: _Lana Poila

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

                   'What We Learn In BIO Period 6 Today' 

Our lesson for today in class was to learn the terms we need for our first assessment. Our cool teacher Ms Wells gave us options in how we want to learn our terms, this depend on how you learn best. This is a great idea as everyone have their own way of learning, for me I like to write the words on cube cards and the definition on the other side. Also I remember faster or longer if I have coloured cube cards or put colours in each term. Today I decided to first write all the terms we need on cube cards and their definition on the other side. However I didn't finish my work in class and that will be homework.

Thank you

Monday, 8 February 2016

Warning: This is not 100% right as we are only writing what we know about Diabetes.

                      'What I know about Diabetes'
Kia Orana
I am Lana Poila, a year 13 student at Tamaki College, and today Ms Wells plan's for us is to write 'what we know about Diabetes.' Because I did not do this in year 11 so I do not have a lot of knowledge about diabetes. However I know someone who have diabetes meaning I only know the process of what they do, to take care of the disease(not sure if you can call diabetes a disease). Example what they to eat. Anyway if I'm lacking some knowledge feel free to comment as I want to know more about this topic 'DIABETES'

What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is when someone have way to much glucose(blood) in their blood.
Where does it start? Everyone need to eat right, so when you eat your body turns food into glucose(sugars) in this case this is when your pancreas supposedly releases this hormone called 'insulin. Insulin's role is to regulates the amount of glucose in your cells, this is really important because with the lack of insulin in your body formed diabetes.

Okay don't judge me with how I explain these two type of diabetes because I am only writing what we have learn in class today.

Type 1 Diabetes:  Type 1 diabetes is what your born with meaning it can't be prevented however will be manageable through a combination of medication, healthy food choices and exercise. This is because the body attack or mistakenly sees the insulin producing cells as foreign, and destroy them. Without insulin there is no key to open up the cells this means the cells will get hungry or lack of glucose(sugars)

Type 2 Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes people can produce their own insulin, often the body does not produce enough insulin because insulin is like the key to open the cells, without insulin there's no key for the cells. Meaning the end result will be high levels of glucose(sugars) in your blood.
Important: Type 2 focuses on your diets often type 2 target people who are overweight or inactive.

Thank you